6 Ways Landscaping Companies Near Me Ensure Pet-Friendly Backyards in Monroe and Washingtonville NY Areas

6 Ways Landscaping Companies Near Me Ensure Pet-Friendly Backyards in Monroe and Washingtonville NY Areas

When your pets are important members of your family, you want to do everything you can to care for them and protect them. Your landscaper understands your love for your pets and has many ways to ensure that you have a pet-friendly Monroe and Washingtonville, NY areas backyard. 

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Safe and Attractive Fencing

One of the first ways to keep your pets safe is to have your landscaper design and install a fence that keeps them enclosed but is also attractive in the landscape. Wood fencing can be an excellent choice as it can come in many different styles and heights to coordinate with your home’s architecture. Another benefit to fencing can be that it increases the privacy of your backyard for when you want to be in the yard but not necessarily chat with every neighbor. 

Your landscaper can install a wood fence of lattice for more air circulation and space to grow flowering vines or you could choose a fence that set in horizontal slats for maximum breezes but a safe, secure space to protect your pets. There are so many types and materials for fencing that your landscaper can customize the right one for your yard.

Plants and Chemicals

Another consideration for your pets can be the plants that are part of the landscape. Your landscaper is experienced with making sure that there are no poisonous plants as part of the landscape design as well as taking care of any pesticides and weed killers. There are any number of chemicals that can hurt your pets, from the insecticides for roses to containing slugs in a garden. An experienced and trained landscape service understands to avoid using those applications that can harm your pets or give you plenty of notice so that you can remove your pets to a safe place until applications have dried. 

Lawn Installation

A lush, green lawn can be the crowning glory of the landscape and your landscaper knows that pet urine can cause dead patches so adequate watering can help to dilute the urine. Many pets love to dig in the yard and can often run back and forth along the same route which can lead to dead grass. Because your landscaper has vast experience with selecting the grass type that is most resilient with pets, you can be assured that they will install a grass that has good traffic hardiness. 

Mulch and Shade

Many pets, especially puppies, like to dig in and eat the mulch that keeps your landscape beds looking nice and hydrated. Your landscaper has other alternatives such as pine needles that can do the job well with little hazard to your pets. 

Your pet also needs adequate shade in the backyard for those hot summer days. Not only can your landscaper add some form of house for your pet to cool off in but you might also consider installing a fountain for drinking water and generally cooling off. Another excellent way to keep your pets cool during the summer can be to plant a corner of the yard with trees and shrubs that provide shade under the cool foliage. Keeping a cool spot for your pet and plenty of water to drink can be part of your landscape design, too.

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