Choosing a Theme for Your Landscape Design in Blooming Grove and Washingtonville NY Areas

Choosing a Theme for Your Landscape Design in Blooming Grove and Washingtonville NY Areas

You might not have known that you can choose a landscape design theme for your Blooming Grove and Washingtonville, NY, areas property but a unifying theme can bring out the best in your yard. Selecting a style for your landscape plan can be just what you need to make your yard feel inspired.

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Cottage Theme

When you love the look of a profusion of flowers, a cottage theme for your landscape can achieve that aesthetic. Often this theme will be characterized by a lush, green lawn that is accented with tall shade trees along the edges and fringy, free-flowing flowers. You might think of this landscape as happy with its bountiful colors. 

Don’t mistake this theme for unplanned and chaotic because it will be carefully designed with ordered chaos in mind. Many times your landscaper will suggest a pond to add character because having a water feature such as a pond can invite the pollinators such as birds, bees, and butterflies into the landscape to increase the propagation of flowers. Anchored by heavy boulders and flat landscape rocks, a pond can also boast lily pads and goldfish along with other water flowers and plants. 

Formal Theme

Many English gardens are formal and make heavy use of boxwood shrubs to contain and add boundaries to a landscape. The boxwood can be easily trained into shapes to create a lovely hedge or to accent a walking path. Geometry plays a large role in this theme as a garden can be executed in squares and rectangles as angles are a prominent feature in a formal landscape. 

Hidden seating such as benches with a bubbling fountain nearby can be part of the design, especially when they are part of a maze. Another feature of a formal landscape can be a central fountain which serves as a focal point in the property. Often situated in a wide driveway that circles to the front entry, a fountain can be an inviting and eye-catching crucial element. 

Zen Theme

When you are craving a space to clear your mind and unwind from the mental and physical stress of life, a Zen landscape can fulfill those desires. Your landscaper can start with various tones of green to bring life to the yard but in a subdued color palette. White pebble paths can meander around curves to surprise you with a gently bubbling water fountain or a comfortable outdoor couch to sit and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. 

Many Zen-themed landscapes also have a hidden space of tiny pea gravel or sand which is raked into undulating lines with a tool to mimic the feel of water moving. Crossing a wooden bridge, you can find a pond that invites reflection and delight at watching the flitting fish as they swim around. 

Native Theme

Some homeowners are opting to have their landscapers install native plants with small squares of grassy spaces to create a low-maintenance landscape. Lest you think that this is not attractive, having native species in flowers, plants and trees can be quite gorgeous as they take on the colors that are associated with your climate and terrain. Accented by landscape boulders for visual and physical weight, your landscape specialist can ensure that a property planted with native species is amazing at any time of the year.

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