How a Landscaper Can Make Your Weekends More Relaxing in the Goshen and Monroe, NY Areas

How a Landscaper Can Make Your Weekends More Relaxing in the Goshen and Monroe, NY Areas

If you are in a situation where your Goshen and Monroe, NY Areas pool deck is starting to look dated and less than attractive, it might be time to invest in a new paver pool deck that elevates your pool space. The weekends are for spending time around the pool and having a relaxing time with friends and family but that can be marred by a pool deck of cracked concrete. Here are some ways a landscape professional can make your weekends more relaxing.

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A New Pool Deck

Replacing an ordinary concrete pool deck with pool deck pavers in a custom pattern can be the start of a backyard refresh that takes your landscape to the next level. Pool deck pavers have a non-slip surface to protect the swimmers from slips and falls.

They come in a variety of earth-toned colors of reds, grays, tans, and browns. You can work with a landscape professional to create a combination that reflects the aesthetic of your home and the floral colors in your landscape design.

Planning to have the pool deck as wide as possible can let you add loungers to the deck without hindering the swimmers as they jump in and climb out. You can add a twirly slide for fun and a retaining wall on one end of the pool where water spouts can spill into the pool.

A Fire Pit

At one end of the pool deck, you can place a fire pit or a trio of fire pits if you want to wow your guests. Having a fire pit can bring another gathering spot that invites your guest to stay longer in the day.

Imagine the fun of pulling out the marshmallows and skewers to roast them into sweet gooey goodness to top graham crackers and chocolate. Young and old alike love to eat Smores and roasted marshmallows.

If the kids still want to swim, the adults can sit by the fire with propped-up feet. This can be the perfect end to a glorious summer day in the backyard.

A Pool Cabana

Another outdoor living feature that can add to the relaxing vibe of your renewed pool area can be to add a pool cabana. Cabanas have a roof overhead to offer complete shade for guests who have had enough sun for one day.

When the cabana is positioned nearby the pool, you can serve lunch there and place extra loungers for people who need a short rest. With ceiling fans overhead to keep the breezes flowing, a cabana can be a respite on hot days when guests need a break.

An Outdoor Kitchen

Adding an outdoor kitchen to the cabana can let you keep the mess of cooking and feeding your crew outside. Dual grills at the grill station can let you make enough burgers and vegetables for the whole gang.

With the refrigerator and deep sink, you can pull out cold drinks, pasta salad, and other snacks to let everyone eat at their leisure. A large dishwasher and soapy suds in the sink can make short work of clean up.

Add an outdoor restroom, too, and your guests won’t have to go inside to change clothes or use the bathroom.

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