How a Landscaper Chooses the Right Plantings for Each Space in the Goshen and Chester, NY Areas

How a Landscaper Chooses the Right Plantings for Each Space in the Goshen and Chester, NY Areas

Have you ever wondered how a landscaper chooses the best plantings for each part of a Goshen and Chester, NY Areas property? The answer is likely a combination of exceptional training and education and experience. There are many factors that influence which plants go where in a landscape design.

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The Amount of Sunlight

The amount of sunlight an area of the landscape gets can determine which plants will thrive there. A landscape professional will select plants that love shade or dappled light. Most shade-loving plants can have two or three hours of sunshine at most so they choose varieties that need no more than a little sun.

Areas of the landscape that receive direct sun, particularly in the afternoon, need plants that can stand the heat well. This can include most trees like oak, maple, and fir as well as evergreen trees.

The Growth Habits

Another factor that influences where plants are placed in landscape beds and around the yard can be the growing habits. Staple trees like oak trees need plenty of space to grow and mature so they are usually placed by themselves so there is ample space to grow tall and majestic.

Taller shrubs are placed at the center or back of a landscape bed design because they will grow the biggest. Then medium-sized shrubs (often those that produce showy flowers) are in the middle with the low-growing plants at the landscape bed front. This produces a staggered planting plan that is pleasing to the eyes and lets each plant be visible.

The Color Variations

Two aims of landscape design can be to elevate the visual interest and to choose color combinations that go well together. For this, many landscape professionals use the color wheel to mix pleasing colors for flowers in landscape bed plantings.

Some color plans rely on a few colors like multiple tones of green with white and cream floral accents. Others might use bold colors like red and purple to draw your attention to a particular planting scheme.

Most flower and plant colors are thoughtfully chosen to bring the most beauty to your outdoor spaces.

The Growth Habits and Plant Shapes

Landscape professionals also consider growth habits and shapes. They might like to echo a certain plant shape such as the evergreen trees that grow into triangular shapes by planting several together. However, some trees might grow wide and tall while others remain short and squat to create a lovely contrast.

For evergreens, there are so many color tones within the green that mixing a blue-green with light green trees and shrubs can make a very arresting sight.

Plant Hardiness

The hardiness of plants factors into the selection. Most landscape professionals will choose plant specimens that are native to the Goshen and Chester areas since these plants can withstand the climate and temperatures well.

Native plants are naturally found around the area and are therefore low-maintenance while lovely and visually pleasing. They have bold green leaves, colorful flowers, and other details that can make them ideal for your landscape.

There are other important factors for plant choices and this is why it can be essential to work with a landscape professional whose work you admire and want in your own landscape.

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