How Safe is Landscaping Near Me During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Goshen, NY?

How Safe is Landscaping Near Me During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Goshen, NY?

If you are concerned about the safety of landscaping during the COVID-19 Pandemic, these precautions that a Goshen, NY, landscape company near you is taking can help to ease that uncertainty. Here are the ways they are working to keep you, your property, and their employees safe as they keep your landscape in top condition.

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Fewer Interactions

Among the pandemic precautions are fewer interactions with other employees and with customers. Whereas before there might have been morning meetings prior to heading out for the day, now that information is communicated through digital means. 

A landscape company can have employees travel from location to location in separate vehicles to minimize close proximity. They may have communicated with you in person if you were home, but now they will do so through email or texting. 

Increased Sanitization

A landscape company is making time to clean and disinfect the machinery and vehicles. Keeping everything sanitized can help to protect the health of the workers so that they can in turn beautify your landscape regularly. 

Also, requiring employees to wear masks and use hand sanitizer can add another layer of protection to the precautions.

Health Monitoring 

Implementing a plan to monitor the health of employees with regular temperature checks and physical appearance. If a worker feels sick or looks unwell, they are encouraged to go home and self-quarantine until they are sure they are well again. 

While some people have become quite sick with COVID-19, more people have had mild symptoms or are symptom-free. Ensuring that all employees are healthy can be a top priority to keeping everyone safe during this uncertain time.

Working Hard for You 

With over 30 years of experience keeping your landscape pristine and gorgeous, a landscape company puts a high value on your continued business and is working hard to continue with exceptional service for you and your yard. Continuing high quality service and design can mean that your landscape is a source of joy and delight in an uncertain time.

Irrigation: Keeping your lawn watered can mean the difference between wilted plants and healthy, thriving ones. If you have a watering system, a landscape specialist can analyze where the water is going to keep it on the plants and not watering the sidewalk. If you don’t have an irrigation system yet, they are happy to consult with you on a plan that keeps your property hydrated correctly through each season.

Property Maintenance: Maintaining the investment that you have make in your yard can protect the value of your home and landscape while also increasing the curb appeal and beauty. Giving your property the TLC it deserves can keep it looking lush and green during the growing season and neatly groomed for all seasons. 

From mowing, fertilizing, weed control, and pruning to landscape design and installation, a landscape company has the team and resources to keep your property looking amazing while ensuring all precautions are taken for your protection and their employees’ health.

They have one mission and that is to design, install, and care for exceptional Goshen, NY, outdoor spaces that exceed your expectations. For every job, they combine their landscaping and construction expertise with their reputation for excellent customer service to bring the best experience to you, their customer. 

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