The Dos and Don'ts of Investing in Commercial Landscaping Projects in Dutchess County, NY

The Dos and Don'ts of Investing in Commercial Landscaping Projects in Dutchess County, NY

Once you’ve decided that your Dutchess County commercial property needs a bit of a pick-me-up in regard to its landscaping, it’s important for you to know what to look out for before you make the investment. Making an investment in landscaping is a positive choice, but you want to make sure that you are utilizing the landscaping to the fullest extent. 

 Related: Why Every Business Should Invest In Commercial Landscaping in Ulster County, NY



DO take the time to think about your company and your clientele. Your landscaping should be something that coincides with your “brand.” If your company is in the high-tech industry, then you may want to consider something modern and contemporary. You want to make sure that the outside of your building matches what you want your clients to think of when they think of you.



DON’T hire landscapers who are not experienced. It is important that you hire a professional Dutchess County landscaping company. You are making an investment in your business by having this landscaping done, and if you work with an individual or company that doesn’t have much experience, you might be getting sub-par service or poor installation that could result in extensive repairs.



DO take the elements of New York into account. Our weather may be unpredictable, but there are some things that we know may not be able to withstand the weather. For example, it would be pretty difficult to keep cacti and palm trees looking healthy in our climate. 



DON’T overplant. If you want to plant flowers along the sidewalks or around the building, make sure that you don’t go overboard. There’s a difference between having a pop of color and having an unruly garden that becomes overwhelming to look at. Actually, the rose is the New York state flower. Having rose bushes could show pride in New York City, and these beautiful flowers naturally come in an array of colors to choose from. If you decide to have rose bushes, that can be the only thing you plant. Or you could choose plants that compliment the bushes; this way you can have beauty and elegance without going overboard.



DO consider installing new lighting features to accent the building. There are hundreds of cool exterior lights that can be placed along a walkway or wherever you see fit.



DON’T think of landscaping as just flowers and trees. Having a new walkway and water feature installed could make a world of difference in how your business appears when someone is walking by. 



DO remember that landscaping adds to the curb appeal of your business. If the front of your building catches the eye of your clients or potential clients as they come into your building, you’ve already started a positive foundation for their opinion of you to build on. If the landscaping around your building is boring or is an eyesore, their impression begins on a negative note and it is hard to turn a first impression around.

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