Enjoy a Beautiful and Efficient Landscape Design By Including Irrigation in Your Plans in the Monroe, NY Area

Enjoy a Beautiful and Efficient Landscape Design By Including Irrigation in Your Plans in the Monroe, NY Area

There is no doubt that irrigation can boost the health and vitality of your Monroe, NY Area lawn and landscape design but it must be done right to be most effective. If you have been dragging the sprinklers from place to place in your landscape, it might be time to invest in a professional irrigation system. Here are the ways this watering method can improve your outdoor spaces.

Related: Why a Landscaper Recommends Upgrading Your Irrigation System in the Monroe, NY Area

Professional Irrigation Provides Efficient Coverage

Irrigation systems are tailored to your unique property so they cover all the lawn and even the landscape beds if you choose. The system is divided into zones so each space gets the ideal amount of water.

Shady areas don’t need as much water as sunny spaces so you don’t want them to be oversaturated. Sunny areas need more irrigation to help them through the hot summer months, especially when there is little rain.

Professional Irrigation is Automatic

Did you know that once your system is set up, you don’t have to lift a finger? Current irrigation systems are programmed to operate at the time of day when the grass plants and other plantings can absorb the most moisture.

Most often, a professional irrigation system is set to work in the wee hours of the morning when it is still dark. This can keep the water from evaporating before the plants have a chance to have maximum absorption.

Watering in the daytime is not as effective since so much of the irrigation evaporates in the hot sun while early morning watering delivers what the plants need to thrive. Another bonus of an irrigation system can be that it has rain sensors that keep the system from operating when it is raining.

Professional Irrigation is Economical

When you have an irrigation system that works automatically, the sprinklers and drip irrigation are targeted and don’t spray the driveway or walkways only to flow down into the storm drains. You might also find that you forget to move the manual sprinkler around and end up watering the same area for two hours.

Professional irrigation can save you time and money since you don’t have to set a timer to remind yourself to move the sprinkler to the next area.

Professional Irrigation is Versatile

There are various water delivery methods in an irrigation system design, allowing you to focus on the right type of watering for the needs. Sprinklers can pop up and throw water over a large area to irrigate the grass while drip irrigation can keep your containers looking fresh and noteworthy.

Drip irrigation can be perfect for landscape beds as it delivers a steady amount of water directly to the roots. A landscape professional can design a system that waters your vegetable garden and your prize rose garden, too.

Professional Irrigation Can Enhance Lawn and Landscape Treatments

When a landscape professional applies weed and pest control, it can be helpful to water the lawn and landscape after the application has dried to ensure it makes its way to the roots.

Fertilizer is another application that happens and needs water to dissolve the nutrients very slowly so the lawn and landscape can have food throughout the season. Irrigation can help all of these applications be more effective at targeting what they prevent or treat.

Related: Here's Why a Person With a Busy Schedule Should Consider an Irrigation System in the Monroe and Chester, NY Areas