Where Does a Landscaper Recommend an Irrigation System in the Monroe, NY Area?

Where Does a Landscaper Recommend an Irrigation System in the Monroe, NY Area?

As you anticipate how to boost the health and growth of your lawn and landscape, a landscaper would likely recommend installing an irrigation system in your Monroe, NY Area landscape. you might be wondering if your entire outdoor area needs irrigation or only some parts. The answer is that the best approach is to ensure the grass, landscape beds, and potted plants have automatic irrigation.

Related: Enjoy a Beautiful and Efficient Landscape Design By Including Irrigation in Your Plans in the Monroe, NY Area

Landscape Bed Irrigation Needs

The landscape beds need irrigation delivered through a drip method. Many plants and shrubs don’t do well with water sitting on their leaves or flowers for too long so a landscape company might suggest using drip irrigation for these areas. Drip irrigation sits on top of the soil to let the water soak directly toward the roots which minimizes evaporation and overwatering.

Drip irrigation is buried just beneath the soil and runs over the plant or shrub base where it allows water to seep out through small holes and go directly to the plant’s roots. Drip irrigation is very effective at getting the water where it is needed most—the roots. Once the water is absorbed by the roots, it travels through the plants to the leaves.

Potted Plants Irrigation

Drip irrigation is also ideal for potted plants because it protects the leaves and flowers that fill out the pots and makes them eye-catching but sends the water right into the dirt. As the water filters through the dirt, it reaches the roots of the plants and flowers to give them plenty of water to thrive and grow.

The Lawn Irrigation Needs

One of the benefits of having automatic irrigation is that you don’t have to wonder if the grass is getting enough water because the zones are targeted for the ideal watering amounts and times. The grass will have sprinklers that sit flush with the soil but pop up to shoot water to the various areas. This system efficiently provides water to large areas of the lawn.

The lawn is the largest space in the landscape that needs water so an irrigation specialist will ensure the grass has the right watering zones. Each area of the lawn might not need the same amount of water since there are likely some shady spaces that need less water than those in the sun all day.

A professional irrigation system is designed to provide the ideal amount of water to each zone, and the zones are divided according to sunlight patterns and proximity.

Why Choose Professional Irrigation

Fortunately, a landscape company has irrigation specialists who can design the watering system for your unique property. This means that no two irrigation systems are alike. The water covers the entire property in the right amounts so the lawn and landscape thrive despite the heat.

Drip irrigation is eco-friendly because it wastes no water and delivers it right to the plant’s roots. When the various areas of your lawn and landscape receive the ideal amount of water, they can remain healthy and strong even in the hottest summer months and revive when the temperatures cool off.

Another clear benefit of automatic irrigation is the fact that you don’t have to worry about watering the lawn because it happens at the prescribed time to deliver the ideal amount of water to your property.

Related: Why a Landscaper Recommends Upgrading Your Irrigation System in the Monroe, NY Area